Help for application 'Information centre'
Mandatory items in forms is in whole application marked with asterisk .
Types of searching: Search by plate number or VIN
Complex search
Claims representatives
Individual form
Search by plate number or VIN
In searching by plate number or VIN you have to fill in the vehicle's registration number or VIN and insurance by the date. Both items are mandatory.
Complex search
Request is possible reduce by these criteria: date of car accident, country of car accident and country code of liable party. Next items are dependent on value of selection item "country code of Liable party".
If you choose Czech republic, than you can fill in the items "Registration plate number of Liable party’s vehicle" or "Liable party’s insurer". If you choose other coutry than Czech republic, then you can fill in items: "Liable party’s insurer", "Country of residence / seat of injured party".Further is possible fill in item "Country of residence / seat of injured party".
As the last step before you send the request is recommended check the agreement. If you didn't check it, then you will not see any founded records.
Claims representatives
On these pages you can search for claims representatives of Czech insurers outside Czech Republic or foreign insurers in Czech Republic.
Individual form
Form isn't accesible direct from main menu, but only as one of all possible output of complex searching. In this output is the link on individual form. In individual form you can more specify the event. Your request is send directly to Czech Insurers’ Bureau and the response will be send to you on your contact, that you filled in the request.
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